#4 How To Increase Your Faith


We know that the picture we’ve created can only come to us on the tangible plane of existence (your outcomes) in one of two ways: by law and by faith.



#4 How To Increase Your Faith

No one, thing, or situation will ever be able to frighten you again. Your days of wishful thinking will come to an end. You are not that person who only speaks to God to ask for things, hoping to receive. If you were, then this series is for you.

These people mistakenly think that just expressing specific ideas in their minds—“God, please get me this,” or “God, give me that”—will result in them receiving what they have requested. This is a mistake because it is only a thought or desire. These people also say that God knows their heart and forget that God sys that the heart is deceitful. (Jeremiah 17:9) But we are not those heart pondering people!

We know that the picture we’ve created can only come to us on the tangible plane of existence (your outcomes) in one of two ways: by law and by faith.

If a person would let go and allow God (i.e. have faith that whatever has to happen in order for him to accomplish his objective will happen), everything is possible. God has to be in full control.

Believe for the impossible, and work for it. The impossible is what you believe you cannot do or accomplish. Give this over to God as you move forward in accomplishing, by faith. This is faith. You are moving towards something that you feel you cannot accomplish without Gods hand. Give it to God every step of the way by acknowledging Him and moving at His leading.

Romans 1:17 – The Just Shall Live By Faith. You are the JUST.

Always be moving towards your vision. What you have seen in your mind AND that you have written down. It is, in fact, the foundation of all you will ever create or achieve in your lifetime.

Know that you are in fact a child of the Spirit (a conqueror of those forces which would attempt to drag you down or hold you back). Once this occurs, all of the powers of the cosmos will unite to assist you in achieving your objective or manifesting your image.

Download this series and receive the included DECLARATION that you can read daily until you see it manifesting in your life. This declarations filled with prophecy, anointing, and the Power of the Holy Spirit to complete exactly what it says through your outward professing of it.

Faith is an area that we can grow in continually and has plenty of room for expansion. This series is not an optional one and therefore is a must. Download it today and change the way you think about money and your spiritual life as a whole.

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