




Getting to this point was not over night

I attended seminars, live events, paid for teachings, and spent even more on books and literature, to gain access to the wisdom that I sought after. They were not all free; some I am still in and others I grew from, learned, and continued to move forward and upward.

Problems are drawn to their solutions and when I realized this, I put on blinders and set out to help as many people as I could.

In 2015 God called me and my life instantly changed. Soon after the calling and me answering, problems around me increased. My realization was that I was always helping people in the form of counseling. Talking and being able to locate issues and having a solution was what I became known for. So, I embraced it.

Within 2 years, I started looking for people who had problems that I could solve. Every conversation was me training my ears to hearing what they were saying, watching their body language, and asking questions that prompted them to tell me their problems. I was sought after via word of mouth and I spent a great deal of time traveling to new clients’ homes and coffee shops.

In 2017 I started going to shelters which included parking lots and other group gatherings.

In 2018 I started coaching via phone. This was very productive, I feel, for my clients, because I was not sitting directly in front of them. They were able to speak more freely, remain in their comfort areas, and minimize external distractions.

I was able to reach more people and this birthed my first 2 books. As I wrote, I also wanted to read. I now began to look for people like me.

It was now 2018, and all this time, I was being led to my spiritual and life mentors. After meeting them, I decreased my new client intake during this time. I was listening and gleaning, growing spiritually and mentally.

In 2019, I received the title as Pastor.

It all made sense.

I was walking in my calling as a Pastor; given to me by God from the foundation of the world, and confirmed by my Spiritual Father Prophet Uebert Angel. Through the grace of my mentors and Jesus Christ, Coaching became easier. It’s who I am.

My beginning as a coach began after I answered my spiritual calling from God. I take no credit but give it all to God and my mentors. So, not only am I graced but anointed to coach. I love it and through the Holy Spirit, many lives are changed. That is why I boldly say that I always have a solution, with confidence.


If you are asking yourself…

“Why do I need your help, Coach A.?

I’ve already bought so many things that didn’t help me.”

This is nothing like the things you’ve bought before.

* Coaching builds a better you and you not only get someone who is graced to help you but who is also anointed to coach you.

* Its like having a lifestyle coach with spiritual insight.

* My methods will help you remove anything hard, mountains, hidden/unforeseen obstacles, walls and hurdles.

* Mental, Physical, Spiritual, and Emotional milestones and levels will be addressed.

* Levels achieved, dimensions accessed, distances traveled, and heights reached are yours and will remain yours.

* You will receive the accountability, instruction, and feedback you need to improve so that you can produce amazing results.

* Along with theory and knowledge you will receive journals and planners.

* Depending on your sessions, you will receive one of my ebooks.

* Success = Prosperity and I am here just for that; to make you prosperous.

* With every package you will have access to and receive information on how to open a business, grow your business, or add an additional business.

* You will learn how to build resilience and self control which will equip you to improve your life and workforce.

I Am The Right Coach For You If You

*Have areas that you feel you are being blocked in ~ with no growth, slow movement, or stagnation

*Have Blind Spots ~ Areas that are being overlooked or possibly unknown

*Are not looking for an overnight success


I would love it if you liked this video, to subscribe to my channel, and follow me on Instagram. 

Find me socializing:

IG: Instagram.com/alwonza 

IG: Instagram.com/coachalwonza

Website & Business:



?Plant Your seed. 

If you feel led to plant a seed to forward the kingdom through this ministry, thank you. Your fertile ground is here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=ARHVN7RW3SRYL 

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